Climate Invasives is a EU Biodiversa+ research project that aims at develop methods to minimize the negative effects of climate change-induced spread of invasive alien species to marine protected areas using species distribution modelling, stakeholder engagement and effective eradication methods. Climate Invasives is a research consortium with six partners in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
Climate Invasives is funded by Biodiversa+, the European Biodiversity Partnership under the 2021-2022 BiodivProtect joint call for research proposals, co-funded by the European Commission (GA N°101052342) and with the funding organisations Formas (Sweden), The Research Fund of Norway and Innovation Fund Denmark.

Conceptual illustration of the research project. Invasive alien species, IAS, are introduced to new geographical areas via human vectors such as marine traffic. Initially the IAS can be established and survive in particularly favorable areas, which has been proposed to be termed “invasion hubs”. Climate change, which causes a decrease in extreme cold-temperature and icy winters in combination with an increase in above-normal water temperatures, facilitates an increased potential for secondary dispersal of the IAS from the invasion hubs to adjacent areas including Marine Protected Areas, MPAs. Since many marine species have the potential for long-distance larval dispersal across national borders, management strategies for IAS must be developed in collaboration by stakeholders from national authorities, NGOs and the private sector in all the countries in the geographical area within the dispersal-radius of the IAS.
In October 2021, Biodiversa+ launched its BiodivProtect call on “Supporting the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems across land and sea”. From the Biodsiversa+ web page the call is described as:
“The call – aiming at supporting 3-years transnational research projects – was co-funded by the European Commission and addressed the three (non-exclusive) themes below:
- Knowledge for identifying priority conservation areas, establishing effective and resilient ecological networks, enhancing species-based protection and preserving genetic diversity
- Multiple benefits and costs of biodiversity and ecosystem protection: synergies and trade-offs
- Effective management and equitable governance to deliver bold conservation outcome
In total, 209 eligible pre-proposals and 106 full proposals were received and evaluated by an independent Evaluation Committee who ranked the projects.
Strictly following the ranking established by the independent Evaluation Committee, 36 research projects were funded by the Biodiversa+ Call Steering Committee – composed of all the funding organisations participating to the call – representing a total funding amount of over 44 Mio€ (including funding from the European Commission).
The 36 funded projects are academically excellent projects, mobilising a wide range of disciplines, engaging many relevant stakeholders, and addressing various pressing scientific and societal issues.”
Read more about the call and all the 36 funded projects here: